
2012   Utopia Award in the category future-oriented products

Utopia-Award 2012
Utopia-Award 2012

Laudator Leonhard Graf von Harrach, Head of the Tesla Germany (on the left), congratulated Hans Michlbauer of EG-Solar e.V. for the first place and appreciated the realization of a visionary idea. The Solar Cooker is a serious alternative to the use of fossil fuels in an activity that daily translates into billions of people: cooking. As such, the invention particularly relieves women and children in countries with a lack of fuel due to daily wood gathering and prevents harmful smoke when cooking.

2002   German Solar Award from Eurosolar

for network of self-help centers in developing countries

2001   Conservation and Environmental Grants, Ford Motor Company

1999   Social Award of the District of Altötting

for exceptional achievements in the field of development aid and youth work

1991   Tutzinger Foundation for Environmental Education

Award for unusual and courageous ways in environmental education